USBC Commends President Obama
President Obama issued a Presidential Proclamation declaring November as National Entrepreneurship Month.
President Obama issued a Presidential Proclamation declaring November as National Entrepreneurship Month.
The U.S. Black Chambers Inc. received a rewarding $665,000.00 grant to continue it's impact in cultivating and supporting the nation's Black entrepreneurs.
Washington, D.C.-- The U.S. Black Chambers, the only national advocacy organization working solely to advance Black businesses and building economic power in the Black community, was named Distinguished Advocate of the Year.
Washington, DC- As social unrest continues to unravel our community, it's crucial that we begin to pool our resources, be strategic about where we spend our money, and begin to take serious action towards the economic and social upliftment of our community.
Washington, DC-- The U.S. Black Chambers, Inc. is attending the Democratic National Convention on behalf of its membership of Black business owners to represent their collective voting power and Bank-Black initiative.
Washington, DC- As the number of black-owned banks are decreasing, USBC has focused it's efforts on supporting black-owned banks by encouraging Black entrepreneurs to Bank-Black. Previously USBC led members of The Black Male Entrepreneurship Institute to collectively open bank accounts at Washington, DC's historic black-owned Industrial Bank.
Ron Busby, Sr., President, U.S. Black Chambers, Inc., Appointed to U.S. Small Business Administration's Council on Underserved Communities to develop the country's most underserved urban and rural communities.
USBC's President's Ron Busby visits Morocco seeking investment and trade exchange opportunities with Morocco on behalf of USBC's membership of Black business owners. Busby met with Moroccan dignitaries in Rabat, Casablanca, Marrakech, and Fez to discuss investment opportunities. View article below to learn more.
On behalf of Ron Busby, president, U.S. Black Chambers, Inc. (USBC), USBC board members and staff, thank you for being a part of a successful and substantive School of Chamber & Business Management.
Ron Busby, Sr., President, U.S. Black Chambers, Inc., Appointed to U.S. Small Business Administration's Council on Underserved Communities to develop the country's most underserved urban and rural communities.
We are saddened to see Black businesses and families suffer from the greed and mis-governance of local and state officials. Flint was once an epicenter of a thriving automotive industry which created wealth for the Black residents of Flint. Today's man-made crisis gives of 3 hard truths.
We're excited to announce the young men of the Black Male Entrepreneurship Institute (BME) will be Featured on the PBS Special "The Next Generation of History Makers." The USBC will be co-hosting a Twitter Chat and Live Screening of the PBS special.